Product Reviews
Youmin Kim
Review in product page is available.
Adesh Shrestha
Youmin Kim
I guess the feature was meant to allow reviews on individual products rather than on the entire order. Please correct me if I'm wrong, but a person ordering 10 items should be able to review each item they purchased. While it's helpful to have an overall product experience review, the feature being requested is to enable product-wise reviews, not order-wise reviews.
If I’m mistaken, please guide me on the concept of product-wise reviews. The issue is that if a person orders 10 products and some are returned or missing, the entire order might receive a negative review. This is why each product should have its own review, with an eligible order linked to it. This feature is crucial to ensure each product is reviewed accurately.
Adesh Shrestha That is exactly what we wanted, individual product review not order review. We'd want customers to leave a review for each individual product so potential customers can use those reviews to make inform purchase decisions.
Adesh Shrestha
Myia-Karen I don't see individual product review here so is there any setup please help me here would love to do setup here.
Adesh Shrestha Unfortunately it seems that's still not available.
Adesh Shrestha
Youmin Kim Please confirmed the request and delivery done here at your time.
Ronwilson Diardo
Merged in a post:
Live review with star ratings bar below each product
Terrence Cousins
This would give customers comfort in knowing the credibility of the seller, and give each seller a ratings so this would ensure sellers do there best to ensure customers satisfaction and also help in making blind purchases based on other customers review with pictures of the items bought
Ronwilson Diardo
Merged in a post:
Allow the customer to put product review after purchase on each product
Adesh Shrestha
We would like to have product review rather than website review here allowing them with multiple attachment of photos and videos as they needed.