Open APIs
in progress
Youmin Kim
Merged in a post:
Flexibility to integrate AI chatbot and API
Samzuel Ong
I’ve created AI chatbot that I wish to integrate to my store to allow customers to chat with, also hope that you could provide API option so that I’m able to connect my chatbot directly to TakeApp order.
Example use case:
Customer wants to check what are the items she has ordered so she ask the AI Chatbot and provides the order number to the chatbot, the chatbot is connected to TakeApp API and was able to get a response from it and feed the customer with the relevant answers she is looking for.
Customer wants to update item options, she could do so via PATCH or POST request directly to Take App's system.
If you do decide to come up with an api, I hope it would closely reflect every field in there instead of just some just like the current webhook because by it not being closely reflective of the order fields, there are many things I cannot implement.
Youmin Kim
in progress
We just launched and are actively adding new endpoints. Please let us know if you have request
Samzuel Ong
Youmin Kim
Hi Youmin, I'd like to suggest that the API is able to GET all order details including lineitem option and etc. and also POST so that my staff can update the order statuses such as fulfilment status, payment status and etc. from our google sheet to TakeApp instead of having to search from the TakeApp webpage.
Some very useful examples I would think of is when my staff needs to make amendment to the lineitem option, we would be able to POST from our google sheet.
A seamless sync between the google sheets and takeapp data would be really useful.
Youmin Kim
Merged in a post:
Sync Product Data with POS System using API functionality
Karthick Manivannan
Hi [Take App Team],
I am requesting an API functionality that allows us to create, read, update, and manage product data, specifically for the purpose of syncing with our POS system.
This feature would be incredibly beneficial for businesses like ours that rely on seamless product management across platforms. It would automate the syncing process between the POS and Take App, ensuring our product catalog and inventory are always up to date, reducing manual effort and eliminating errors.
For ex:
If this feature would be valuable to you too, please upvote!
Thank you for considering this request!
Take App
Take App
Take App
Vladimir Diaz
Totally needed!
undefined undefined
Any news on this feature request, guys?
undefined undefined
Exactly same case here. We need JUST this feature to choose Take App over other solutions.
In our case we need to be able to create orders via API, because we need to not only forward the user to the Take App, but also track a certain order initiated in a chatbot, something like UTM.
Furthermore, a more complete API would allow to achieve full integration with any application.
A so clever app like Take App really must have such a feature.
Miguel Bettencourt
Great ideia. This will solve mobile money integration for various countries. We can connect to Open APIs of our country use the Rest, Get, functions to validate payments
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